Hot or Cold Water — What to Use & When to Use to Wash Clothes


laundry delivery service Massapequa - should you use hot water  for washing clothes

Some people say use hot water to clean tough stains! Others say hot water is important to kill germs in dress. Wait, wait, wait! Hot water will damage your fabric and will cause wrinkles. Oh, then what to use? Hot water or cold water?


Well, this is a common question among people, says our laundry delivery service Massapequa. As per the experts, it’s highly important to know when you should use cold water and when hot water. It can impact your washing widely and wrong method can be harmful for your fabric, color, shine and softness.


Water temperature plays a significant role in the process of washing clothes, as it can affect the cleanliness, removal of stains, color preservation, and energy efficiency of the washing process, says wash and fold near me Massapequa. Here are the key points highlighting the importance of water temperature in washing clothes.


Removing Tough Stains

Based on stain type, you may or may not need hot water. So, first check if your dresses are too dirty, has sticky dirt of mud or something like that? If yes, probably using hot water can help you save effort and detergent, says laundry service near me Massapequa. Actually, hot water loosens the dirt from the fabric by breaking down in smaller particles and makes it easy to detach from the fabric.


Killing Bacteria and Virus

Whether you want safety from any outbreak of flu or corona virus or any other germ, there can’t be any better option than using hot water, explained laundry near me Massapequa. By using hot water you can ensure that you don’t have to use those harsh and strong detergents.


Preventing Color from Getting Fade

One of the most common issue with cotton based fabric is getting fade in few months. As says our pick up and delivery service in Farmingdale, the prime reason of color bleeding and fading is using hot water frequently on dresses. So, until and unless your dress is too dirty, or it’s not highly important to make it germ-clean, don’t use hot water. Any mild detergent with cold water will do enough.


Preventing Wrinkles and Stretches

Certain fabrics, like wool or silk, may react badly if you use hot water. Just because there is a stain, using hot water may not help you. Rather, in some cases, says laundry delivery service in Farmingdale, it can cause wrinkles on your dress or the fitting of the dress can change due to getting stretched. So, if you aren’t sure about the fabric type, you must check the instructions on the tag before using hot water.


Saving Detergent

Is it a general kitchen towel, duster or something like that? Then probably your main aim would be cleaning it, rather than preserving the color or softness. So, in such cases using mild to moderate hot water can help you saving your detergent, effort and of course energy. Also there are detergents that perform better with hot water, says laundry delivery service Massapequa.


Longevity of Fabric

Most of the laundry service near me Massapequa says that using very hot water or using hot water frequently can affect the life of the fabric. It can make the fabric weak and can tear prematurely. So, it is always recommended that use warm water only when it is really necessary.
